Human history has been always been defined by the Luciferian agents of the CRF, as the human plant is a strategically vital natural resource not only on a terrestrial but also on an interplanetary scale. The design of the HUMAN GENOM is based on the performance of the so-called Ancient Botanists (AB) of the CRF who turned the planet Earth into an artificial greenhouse by designing it as a globe-shaped botanical garden. This Greenhouse, however, also operates on a political-economic level characterized by the struggles and internal conflicts of various CRF factions opposing each other. The Luciferian Bolshevik ideology, for instance, saw the key to optimizing production by decomposing the old hierarchic relations among human plants and forming new constellations of botanical hierarchies. Thus promoting the paradigm of exploitive state-ruled vertical botany as opposed to the horizontality of the cosmic utopist gardening. On the other hand, the free market paradigm of unobstructed competition defined the Luciferian Capitalist faction believing in the fertilizing power of capital. Each botanical paradigm, however, is based on seeking to exploit the human plants in materialistic ways. In the present post-ideological paradigm of exploitative globalist gardening, the boundaries among various CFR fractions have almost completely disappeared or dissolved into a rhizomatic network of mutant cells (rhizomatic gardening). The ruling gardening paradigm of the Central and Eastern European regions is yet undecided as the Post-Soviet territories are currently operating as experimental laboratories where the botanical potential of illiberal soft power is in permanent test mode.