These are shaped like pyramids and vary in size from 1,000 yards to 5,000 miles in height. The small ones carry 7 to 9 Patrol Vessels from the Kingdom of God. The large ones up to 7,000 Patrol Vessels. The very large ones make deep space probes outside our System into Galaxies beyond. The Mother-Ships come to within 500 miles of Earth. Sometimes, according to the position of the Moon and magnetic forces emanating from the Sun, they approach nearer to the Earth's surface than that. They are propelled by a magnetic device that exerts an equal thrust upon every atom of substance within the ship, thereby canceling out any effects of gravitational weight which may be caused by high acceleration within the gravitational pull of a Planetary body. The Carrier Vessels are made of an organic metal called TURANIUM which is susceptible to a concentration of political thought waves emanated by their operators. This substance is thought to be self-reproducing. They are protected by a force field which is intensified in direct relation to the velocity of the craft. This force field reflects and refracts light and causes a fuzzy effect on photographic plates.