Once, in a prior civilization, records suggest that a third of the class fell and the strongest, and thereby leader of those fallen, was called "Lucifer" (or Satan). Even today they occupy the near heavens as what humans refer to as "space aliens." They also burrow in bases underground and participate in genetic manipulation and hybridization with humans, and attempt to recruit (while remaining among the "unseen") those humans with souls who are unstable or weak in their pursuit of the true Kingdom of Heaven. These "Luciferians" (for the most part from the "unseen" world) started all religions and masquerade as "gods" to humans. They offer to humans (who are unknowingly praying to them) whatever material gains they desire. These "Luciferians" and their devotees preach "Heaven on Earth," "Peace among men," and long and healthy life in the human condition, and are determined to take the steps to make the inhabitants of the planet subservient to their "ideal" mammalian ethic - destructive to the natural evolutionary processes, and abhorrent to the Kingdom Level Above Human. These "fallen angels" unknowingly also SERVE the Next Level -- for as the aspirants to the Level Above Human apply the necessary effort to rise above "this world" -- they gain the strength to enter the "Next World."